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本文章由注册用户 郭无恙 上传提供

发布:2024-03-16 5 评论 纠错/删除












我谨此诚挚推荐 [学生姓名] 前往 [大学/机构名称] 攻读 [学位课程]。作为 [学生姓名] 在 [大学/学院名称] 的 [教授/导师],我见证了他的非凡学术能力、对学习的热情以及解决复杂问题的坚定决心。

在 [课程名称] 课程中,[学生姓名] 展现了对该领域的深刻理解和分析思维能力。他的论文 [论文题目] 全面研究了 [研究领域],提供了新鲜的观点和深思熟虑的论点。他出色的研究技能和对学术诚信的承诺令我印象深刻。

除了学术成就之外,[学生姓名] 还是一名积极主动、求知若渴的学生。他在课堂上不断提问,主动参与讨论,并寻求与教授和同学进行深入的互动。他的好奇心和对知识的渴望让他不断突破界限,探索新的领域。

更重要的是,[学生姓名] 具有卓越的个人素质,使他成为留学项目的理想人选。他是一位勤奋、自律且目标明确的个体。无论面对怎样的挑战,他都能保持积极的态度和解决问题的决心。他的沟通能力和人际交往技巧也十分出色,我相信他能够轻松融入新的学术和文化环境。

我坚信 [学生姓名] 在 [大学/机构名称] 将大有可为。他的学术能力、求知欲和个人素质将使他成为该项目的宝贵成员。我毫不犹豫地推荐他,并相信他将为贵校带来非凡的贡献。













示例 1

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to enthusiastically recommend [Student's Name] for the [University or Program Name] scholarship. As [Student's Teacher/Advisor/Counselor], I have had the pleasure of teaching/advising/counseling [Student's Name] for the past [Number] years at [School/University Name].

During this time, I have been consistently impressed by [Student's Name]'s academic abilities and intellectual curiosity. [Student's Name] consistently achieves top marks in all of our classes, demonstrating a deep understanding of the material and a strong work ethic. They are also an active participant in class discussions, asking thoughtful questions and engaging with their peers.

Beyond their academic excellence, [Student's Name] is an exceptional individual with a strong sense of purpose and a desire to make a positive impact on the world. They are actively involved in extracurricular activities, including [List of Activities], where they have demonstrated their leadership skills, creativity, and commitment to community service.

I am confident that [Student's Name] has the potential to excel in a foreign study program. Their intellectual abilities, maturity, and cultural sensitivity will enable them to thrive in a new environment and contribute to the international community. I believe that this scholarship would be a valuable investment in [Student's Name]'s future and would support their aspirations to broaden their horizons, expand their knowledge, and become a global citizen.

I highly recommend [Student's Name] for this scholarship and would be happy to provide any further information that may be needed.


[Your Name]

示例 2

Dear Selection Committee,

I am pleased to submit this letter of recommendation for [Student's Name], who is applying to the prestigious [University or Program Name] scholarship. As [Student's Name]'s [Teacher/Advisor/Counselor] at [School/University Name], I have witnessed firsthand their exceptional qualities that make them an ideal candidate for this opportunity.

Throughout their academic career, [Student's Name] has consistently excelled in their studies. Their transcripts reflect a record of academic achievement, with [Student's Name] earning top marks in subjects ranging from [List of Subjects]. They are a conscientious and highly motivated student who sets high standards for themselves and consistently strives to exceed expectations.

In addition to their academic prowess, [Student's Name] is a wellrounded individual with a diverse range of interests and talents. They are an active member of the school community, participating in [List of Activities] and taking on leadership roles. [Student's Name] also demonstrates a strong commitment to social justice and volunteering, regularly contributing their time to organizations that support [List of Causes].

What sets [Student's Name] apart from other is their unwavering determination and their global perspective. They have a strong desire to learn about different cultures and languages, and they are eager to engage with people from all walks of life. I am confident that they would be a valuable addition to the [University or Program Name] community and that they would thrive in the intellectually stimulating and culturally diverse environment that the program offers.

I highly recommend [Student's Name] for the [University or Program Name] scholarship. Their academic excellence, commitment to personal growth, and global mindset make them an exceptional candidate. I am certain that they would make the most of this opportunity and that they would return from their studies abroad with a broadened worldview and a renewed sense of purpose.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

[Your Name]













尊敬的 [收信人姓名],

我谨此乐意推荐 [学生姓名] 申请贵校的 [留学项目名称]。作为 [学生姓名] 在 [学校名称] 的 [科目名称] 教授,我有幸与他/她共事 [年数] 年,并亲身体验了他的/她的学术能力、个人素质和潜力。

在课堂上,[学生姓名]始终表现出非凡的求知欲和学术成就。他/她始终认真学习,成绩优异,在 [相关科目] 方面表现特别出色。不仅如此,他还/她积极参与课堂讨论,提出了有见地的观点,展示了他的/她的批判性思维和交流能力。

除了学术成就外,[学生姓名] 还是一位品德高尚、负责任的人。他/她具有很强的道德准则,始终尊重他人,并以身作则。他/她积极参加课外活动,包括 [课外活动名称]。这些经历培养了他的/她的领导能力、团队合作能力和人际交往能力。

[学生姓名] 非常渴望出国留学,我相信他/她将是贵校 [留学项目名称] 的一个宝贵成员。他/她不仅拥有出色的学术能力,还具有开放的心态和强烈的学习欲望。他/她热切地希望接触新的文化和观点,相信出国留学将极大地开拓他的/她的视野,塑造他的/她的未来。

我强烈推荐 [学生姓名] 进入贵校的 [留学项目名称]。我相信他/她有能力在学术上取得成功,并充分利用这次出国留学的机会。我确信他/她将为贵校做出积极贡献,成为贵校社区的优秀成员。






