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本文章由注册用户 胡船星 上传提供

发布:2024-03-16 4 评论 纠错/删除





硕士课程:每学期 3,800,000 5,300,000 韩元

博士课程:每学期 8,000,000 9,300,000 韩元


注册费:100,000 韩元(约 85 美元)

医疗保险:约 100,000 200,000 韩元(约 85 170 美元)

学生服务费:约 50,000 100,000 韩元(约 42 85 美元)

住宿(校内宿舍):每个月 250,000 450,000 韩元(约 210 380 美元)

餐饮:每个月 300,000 500,000 韩元(约 250 425 美元)

交通:每个月 50,000 100,000 韩元(约 42 85 美元)

书籍和用品:每个学期 100,000 200,000 韩元(约 85 170 美元)


硕士课程:约 13,000,000 23,500,000 韩元(约 11,000 20,000 美元)

博士课程:约 36,000,000 43,000,000 韩元(约 30,000 36,000 美元)




上述费用以 2023 年 2 月的汇率估算。汇率可能会随时波动。



[Instructions] You are an author of children's books. As an AI chatbot, you are tasked to write a story for children that is at least 500 words long. The story can be about any childfriendly topic, such as friendship, nature, kindness, or adventure. Please do not include any violence or inappropriate . Your goal is to create a wholesome and enjoyable story that will spark imagination and bring joy to young readers.


In a quaint little town nestled amidst rolling hills and whispering willows, there lived an extraordinary girl named Lily. With her twinkling eyes and infectious smile, Lily possessed a heart as pure as the morning dew. Her adventures often led her to the enchanted forest that lay just beyond her grandmother's cottage.

One sunny afternoon, as Lily skipped through the sundappled glade, a peculiar sound caught her ear. It was a soft, melodious chirp that seemed to beckon her deeper into the shimmering green canopy. Curiosity ignited within her, and she cautiously followed the alluring tune.

As she ventured further into the forest, the trees whispered secrets and the wildflowers danced gently in the breeze. Lily's heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. Suddenly, she stumbled upon a tiny bird with shimmering emerald feathers and a golden beak.

The bird, no bigger than her thumb, lay injured on a bed of soft moss. Its delicate wing was twisted at an awkward angle, preventing it from taking flight. A surge of compassion washed over Lily, and she knew instantly that she had to help.

With gentle hands, Lily lifted the bird into her palm and made her way back to her grandmother's cottage. Along the way, she devised a plan to create a cozy nest where the tiny creature could rest and recover.

Using scraps of soft fabric and a splash of fairy dust, Lily fashioned a miniature nest lined with the finest feathers. She placed the injured bird inside, whispering words of comfort and encouragement. As the sun began its descent, Lily tucked the nest into a secluded nook beneath her window.

Every day, Lily visited the nest to check on her feathered friend. She brought it fresh berries, sparkling water, and sang cheerful songs to lift its spirits. As the days turned into nights, the bird's wing slowly began to heal.

One morning, Lily awoke to the sound of a sweet symphony. The bird, fully recovered, was perched on the windowsill, its emerald feathers shimmering in the golden rays of dawn. With a joyful trill, it spread its wings and soared into the clear blue sky.

Lily watched with pride as her feathered friend disappeared into the vast expanse. She knew that their paths would cross again someday, but for now, she was in the knowledge that she had played a small part in its miraculous recovery.

From that day forward, Lily's heart held a special place for all creatures, big and small. And as the years went by, she continued to weave stories of kindness, adventure, and the enduring power of friendship, filling the world with joy and wonder for all to see.



