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高中同学要出国留学在告别会上的英语对话,你的高中同学要出国留学 写告别会英语

本文章由注册用户 马芊桐 上传提供

发布:2024-03-16 4 评论 纠错/删除


同学 A:

Hi everyone. I'm so excited to be here tonight to celebrate [同学的名字] leaving for [国家名称] to pursue his/her studies abroad.

同学 B:

[同学的名字] has always been a top student. I remember when we were in high school, he/she was always the one who aced every test and had the highest grades in class.

同学 C:

But [同学的名字] is more than just a good student. He/She is also a kind and compassionate person. I've never seen him/her say a mean word to anyone, and he/she is always willing to help others.

同学 D:

I know you're going to do great things in [国家名称], [同学的名字]. You have the brains, the determination, and the heart to succeed.

同学 E:

We're all going to miss you terribly. But we know that you're going to make us proud.

同学 F:

To [同学的名字]'s future success!


同学 A:


同学 B:


同学 C:



同学 G:

I know it's customary to give a speech at an event like this, but I'm not much of a public speaker. So instead, I'm just going to say this: [同学的名字], we love you and we're going to miss you.


同学 H:

Cheers to that!


同学 A:


同学 B:


同学 C:



2、你的高中同学要出国留学 写告别会英语

Dear fellow classmates,

It is with a heavy heart that I bid you farewell as I embark on a new adventure abroad. As I prepare to leave the familiar confines of our high school and embrace the unknown, I want to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude for the friendships and memories we have shared.

From the laughterfilled hallways to the countless hours spent studying together, our time at this institution has been an unforgettable experience. We have witnessed each other's triumphs and failures, celebrated successes, and supported one another through challenging times.

Your presence has shaped who I am today. Your kindness, humor, and unwavering support have made me a better person. As I move forward in life, I will cherish these bonds forever.

Although our paths may now diverge, I hope that we will always stay connected. The friendships we have forged here will endure the distance and time. I will miss our daily interactions, but I know that the memories we have created will continue to brighten my days.

To all who have touched my life during my time here, thank you for everything. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. May your dreams take flight, and may your paths lead you to boundless opportunities.

As I step into this new chapter of my life, I will carry with me the lessons and experiences I have gained from our time together. I will strive to honor the values that have been instilled in us at this great institution.

Goodbye, my dear classmates. May our paths cross again someday, and until then, let us cherish the memories we have made.

With heartfelt gratitude and unwavering affection,

[Your Name]



