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本文章由注册用户 胡苡澄 上传提供

发布:2024-04-02 1 评论 纠错/删除
















暑期交流项目:通常为 23 周。

学期交流项目:通常为一个学期(46 个月)。

一学年留学项目:通常为一年(810 个月)。

两学年留学项目:通常为两年(1620 个月)。







The goal of this task is to write a short story based on the following prompts:

Setting: A dark and stormy night

Characters: A young woman named Anya and a mysterious stranger named Ethan

Plot: Anya is driving home alone during a storm when her car breaks down. She is forced to seek help from Ethan, who offers her a ride. As they drive, they begin to talk and share their stories.


In the throes of a tempestuous night, as torrents of rain lashed against the earth and the wind howled like a banshee, a young woman named Anya found herself stranded on a desolate road. Her car had inexplicably sputtered to a halt, leaving her alone and vulnerable in the unforgiving darkness.

Fear gnawed at her heart as she stumbled out of her vehicle, her body drenched to the bone. Desperation fueled her steps as she frantically searched for help. Lightning illuminated the sky, casting eerie shadows that danced with the swirling rain.

Suddenly, a faint light appeared in the distance. Anya's spirits soared as she stumbled towards it, her every fiber pulsating with relief. As she drew closer, she realized it was a small, dilapidated cottage. Its windows glowed dimly, offering a beacon of hope in the stormravaged night.

With trembling hands, Anya knocked on the door. A moment later, it creaked open, revealing a figure shrouded in darkness. "Can I help you?" a deep, unfamiliar voice inquired.

Anya's heart pounded in her chest as she explained her predicament. To her surprise, the stranger invited her inside without hesitation. As she stepped across the threshold, a wave of warmth enveloped her, chasing away the chill that had seeped into her bones.

The stranger introduced himself as Ethan. He was a tall, enigmatic man with piercing blue eyes and a brooding demeanor. Anya found herself drawn to his mysterious aura, even as she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him than met the eye.

As the storm raged outside, Anya and Ethan sat by the fireplace, sharing stories of their lives. Anya spoke of her dreams and aspirations, while Ethan listened intently, his expression unreadable. In turn, Ethan revealed fragments of his own past, hints of a troubled and solitary existence.

As the night wore on, the bond between them grew stronger. Anya found herself confiding in Ethan as she had never confided in anyone before. His presence seemed to dispel her fears, creating a sense of safety and comfort amidst the chaos of the storm.

When the first rays of dawn peeked through the cracks in the curtains, Anya knew it was time to go. Ethan offered to drive her to her car, and she gratefully accepted. As they drove through the stillrainsoaked streets, a sense of longing washed over Anya.

She had spent only a few hours with Ethan, but their connection felt like a lifetime. She knew that she would never forget this night or the enigmatic stranger who had offered her shelter during the storm.

As they reached Anya's car, Ethan turned to her, his eyes holding a depth of emotion that belied his usual aloofness. "I'm glad I could help you, Anya," he said softly. "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to reach out."

With a trembling hand, Anya extended hers, and Ethan clasped it firmly. "Thank you, Ethan," she whispered.

As Anya drove away, she couldn't help but wonder if she would ever see Ethan again. But deep down, she knew that their paths would cross once more. The memory of their stolen night would forever be etched in her heart, a testament to the transformative power of human connection, even in the darkest of storms.



