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本文章由注册用户 张樱珞 上传提供

发布:2024-03-16 3 评论 纠错/删除


自我介绍 1

大家好,我叫 [你的名字],来自 [你的国家]。我是一名大四的学生,主修 [你的专业]。我今天来这里,是希望加入贵校的 [研究生项目名称]。

我从很小的时候就开始学习英语,并且一直对美国文化和教育制度着迷。我对 [你的专业] 充满热情,并相信我可以在这个领域做出有意义的贡献。在过去几年里,我已经完成了 [你的研究或工作经验],这让我对该领域的最新趋势和最佳实践有了深刻的理解。


我选择贵校是因为它的出色声誉、优秀的教员以及在 [你的专业] 领域的领先地位。我相信在贵校的学习经历将为我提供必要的知识和技能,以实现我成为一名 [你的职业目标] 的梦想。

自我介绍 2


我叫 [你的名字],来自 [你的国家]。我很荣幸能有机会向大家介绍一下我自己。

我是一名 [你的专业]专业的学生,对 [你的研究兴趣] 充满热情。在过去的几年里,我已经完成了 [你的研究或工作经验],这让我对这个领域的理论基础和实际应用有了深刻的理解。


我选择贵校是因为它的全球声誉,以及在 [你的专业] 领域的领先地位。我相信,在贵校的学习经历将为我提供一个平台,让我培养我的学术知识,并建立一个强大的专业网络。



范文 1

Good morning/afternoon, esteemed professors. My name is [Your Name], and I am honored to be here today for the interview for the Master's program in [Program Name] at [University Name]. I am originally from [Your Country], where I obtained my Bachelor's degree in [Your Major] from [Your University].

From a young age, I have been captivated by [Your Field of Study]. As I delved deeper into the subject, I realized my passion for [Specific Area of Interest]. I believe that pursuing a graduate degree in [Program Name] at [University Name] will provide me with the necessary knowledge and skills to delve further into this field.

Your university is renowned for its exceptional faculty, cuttingedge research facilities, and vibrant academic community. I am particularly interested in the research opportunities available under the guidance of Professor [Professor's Name], whose work on [Research Topic] has greatly inspired me.

In addition to my academic qualifications, I am an active and engaged individual. I served as President of the Society for [Your Interest] in my undergraduate program, organizing events and workshops to foster student interest in the field. I am also proficient in [Programming Language] and have handson experience in [Relevant Software].

My academic achievements, research interests, and extracurricular involvement demonstrate my dedication to excellence and my passion for [Your Field of Study]. I am confident that I have the drive, determination, and potential to excel in your program.

Thank you for considering my application. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to contribute to the intellectual discourse and research endeavors at [University Name].

范文 2

Respected admissions committee, I am thrilled to introduce myself as [Your Name], an aspiring student for the Master's program in [Program Name] at [University Name]. Hailing from [Your Country], I hold a Bachelor's degree in [Your Major] with honors from [Your University].

Growing up, I was constantly fascinated by [Your Field of Study]. Through undergraduate research projects and internships at [Relevant Organizations], I developed a deep understanding and unwavering passion for [Specific Area of Interest]. I am eager to expand my knowledge and delve deeper into this field through your esteemed program.

The reputation of [University Name] as a global leader in [Your Field of Study] is unparalleled. The presence of renowned scholars and the stateoftheart research facilities here have attracted me to pursue my graduate studies at your institution. I am particularly interested in collaborating with Professor [Professor's Name], whose research in [Research Topic] aligns perfectly with my research interests.

Outside of my academic pursuits, I am a highly motivated individual with a strong leadership ability. I have been the Captain of my university's [Relevant Club], where I led a team of students in [Activities]. Additionally, I am an active volunteer in [Relevant Organizations], where I have gained invaluable experience in [Relevant Skills].

My academic excellence, research interests, and extracurricular involvement reflect my commitment to intellectual growth, innovation, and social responsibility. I am confident that I possess the necessary qualities to thrive in your program and make meaningful contributions to the [Your Field of Study] community.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to present my application to you. I earnestly believe that I would be a valuable addition to the [University Name] Master's program in [Program Name]. Thank you for your time and consideration.


姓名: 您的姓名

来自: 您的国家

专业: 您的专业

学校: 您就读的学校










早上/下午好。我是 [你的名字],来自 [你的国家]。我很荣幸有机会向您介绍自己,并申请 [大学名称] 的 [专业名称] 专业。

我从小就对 [你的专业兴趣或动机] 充满热情,并渴望进一步探索这个领域。在 [你之前就读的学校名称],我的 GPA 为 [你的 GPA],在 [你参加过的相关课程或活动] 方面表现出色。

我相信我在学术和课外领域的经验让我具备了在 [大学名称] 取得成功的条件。我是一个勤奋、好奇且积极主动的学习者,热衷于挑战自我并从他人身上学习。

我期待着在 [大学名称] 与来自世界各地的才华横溢的学生和教授互动。我相信我的跨文化经验和对 [你的专业兴趣] 的热情将为 [大学名称] 社区增添价值。




