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本文章由注册用户 郭颜落 上传提供

发布:2024-04-20 1 评论 纠错/删除












尊敬的 [招生官姓名],

我很荣幸推荐 [学生姓名] 申请 [大学名称] 的 [专业名称] 项目。我与 [学生姓名] 在 [学校名称] 共事 [年数] 年,担任他们的 [你的职位]。

在任教期间,我目睹了 [学生姓名] 作为一名学生和个人的非凡成就。他们始终保持着令人印象深刻的学业记录,在所有班级中都名列前茅。他们对学术的热情显而易见,他们总是主动提出问题并积极参与课堂讨论。

除了学业成就之外,[学生姓名] 还是一名积极主动的领导者。在担任 [学生组织名称] 主席期间,他们组织了许多成功的活动,展示了他们出色的组织和人际交往能力。他们还担任 [体育俱乐部名称] 队长,在那里他们培养了团队合作和体育精神。

更重要的是,[学生姓名] 是一位品格高尚且富有同情心的人。他们始终乐于助人,并为需要帮助的同学提供支持。他们的诚实、正直和勤奋给我留下了深刻的印象。

我相信 [学生姓名] 将是 [大学名称] [专业名称] 项目的宝贵成员。他们对学习的热情、领导才能和对社区的承诺将使他们成为一名成功的学生和校友。

我强烈推荐 [学生姓名] 进入 [大学名称]。我确信他们将在学术和个人方面做出重大贡献,我很高兴看到他们在您尊贵的机构取得成功。






范文 1

Dear Admissions Committee,

I am writing to enthusiastically recommend [Name of Student] for admission to your esteemed university. I have had the privilege of teaching [Name of Student] in my [Course Name] class for the past two semesters, and I am consistently impressed by their academic excellence, intellectual curiosity, and determination.

[Name of Student] consistently earns top marks in my class, demonstrating a strong foundation in the subject matter and a keen ability to grasp complex concepts. Their written and oral communication skills are exceptional, and they articulate their ideas with clarity and precision. Beyond the classroom, [Name of Student] actively participates in research projects and attends conferences, showcasing their passion for learning and their commitment to expanding their knowledge.

Moreover, [Name of Student] is a highly motivated and driven individual. They are always wellprepared for class, ask insightful questions, and seek opportunities to engage with the material. They are eager to collaborate with their peers and contribute to class discussions, often offering valuable perspectives that enhance the learning experience for all.

I am confident that [Name of Student] possesses all the qualities necessary to succeed in your rigorous academic environment. Their intellectual abilities, determination, and unwavering curiosity will make them a valuable asset to your university community.

I highly recommend [Name of Student] for admission and believe that they would be an excellent addition to your institution.


[Your Name]

范文 2


本人特此推荐 [学生姓名] 同学申请贵校的 [专业名称] 专业。我曾担任 [学生姓名] 同学的 [课程名称] 教师,对 [学生姓名] 同学在过去 [学期数量] 个学期的表现印象深刻。

[学生姓名] 同学在 [课程名称] 课程中表现优异,始终名列前茅。其专业知识扎实,对复杂概念有敏锐的把握力。 [学生姓名] 同学在书面和口头表达方面能力突出,能清晰准确地表达自己的观点。课外,[学生姓名] 同学积极参与科研项目和学术会议,展现了其浓厚的学习热情和拓展知识的决心。

更重要的是,[学生姓名] 同学是一个高度自觉且目标明确的个体。 [学生姓名] 同学始终为课堂做好充分准备,提出有见地的疑问,并寻求与材料互动交流的机会。 [学生姓名] 同学热衷于与同学合作并参与课堂讨论,经常提供宝贵的见解,这为所有同学的学习体验增色不少。

我坚信 [学生姓名] 同学具备在贵校严谨的学术环境中取得成功的素质。 [学生姓名] 同学的智力能力、求知欲和动力十足的本性将使 [学生姓名] 同学成为贵校大学社区的宝贵财富。

我强烈推荐 [学生姓名] 同学申请贵校,并相信 [学生姓名] 同学将为贵校增光添彩。



范文 3

Dear [Admissions Officer Name],

I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for [Student Name], who is applying to your esteemed university for the [Program Name] program. I have had the pleasure of being [Student Name]'s academic advisor for the past three years, and I am consistently impressed by their outstanding academic achievements and personal qualities.

[Student Name] is an exceptional student who consistently excels in their coursework. They possess a strong work ethic, are highly organized, and manage their time effectively. Their academic performance is consistently in the top 10% of their class, and they have been on the [Dean's List/Honor Roll] every semester.

Beyond their academic achievements, [Student Name] is also an active and engaged member of the university community. They are involved in several student organizations, including [Organization 1] and [Organization 2], where they hold leadership positions and contribute significantly to the success of their respective activities.

[Student Name] is also a wellrounded individual with a wide range of interests. They are an avid reader, enjoy hiking, and play the piano. Their interpersonal skills are excellent, and they are wellliked and respected by both their peers and faculty members.

I am confident that [Student Name] has the potential to succeed at your university. Their intellectual abilities, strong work ethic, and commitment to excellence make them an ideal candidate for your program. I highly recommend [Student Name] for admission to [University Name] and believe that they would be a valuable addition to your academic community.


[Your Name]

范文 4


我很荣幸地推荐 [学生姓名] 同学申请贵校的 [专业名称] 专业。我担任过 [学生姓名] 同学的 [课程名称] 教师,见证了 [学生姓名] 同学在 [学期数量] 个学期里的出色表现。

在 [课程名称] 课程中,[学生姓名] 同学积极主动,学习成绩名列前茅。 [学生姓名] 同学的专业知识扎实,对复杂概念有敏锐的理解力。 [学生姓名] 同学在课堂上表现出色,常常提出有见地的疑问,并积极参与讨论,为课堂增添了活力。

除了学术成就外,[学生姓名] 同学也是一名活跃的志愿者和社团成员。 [学生姓名] 同学加入了 [社团名称],在 [社团名称] 中担任重要的职务,为社团的发展做出了突出贡献。 [学生姓名] 同学热衷于帮助他人,经常参加志愿者活动,为社区做出贡献。

[学生姓名] 同学是一个品学兼优、全面发展的好学生。 [学生姓名] 同学具有饱满的求知欲、强烈的责任感和团队合作精神。我坚信,[学生姓名] 同学一定能够在贵校出类拔萃,为贵校增光添彩。

因此,我强烈推荐 [学生姓名] 同学申请贵校的 [专业名称] 专业。我相信,[学生姓名] 同学会成为贵校的一名优秀学生,为贵校的学术氛围做出积极贡献。



范文 5

Dear [Admissions Officer Name],

I am writing to strongly recommend [Student Name] for admission to your esteemed university's [Program Name] program. As [Student Name]'s research mentor for the past year, I have been deeply impressed by their academic prowess, intellectual curiosity, and unwavering determination.

During their research experience, [Student Name] has consistently exceeded expectations. They possess a keen eye for detail, a meticulous approach to experimental design, and an ability to analyze and interpret data with great precision. Their research findings have been presented at several national conferences, and they are currently preparing a manuscript for publication in a toptier academic journal.

Beyond their technical abilities, [Student Name] is an enthusiastic and highly motivated individual. They are always eager to learn new skills, ask insightful questions, and contribute to the broader research community. They are an active member of several professional organizations, where they showcase their passion for their field and build valuable connections.

[Student Name] is also an exceptional communicator. They have a natural ability to articulate complex scientific concepts clearly and persuasively. Their presentations and written work are wellorganized, insightful, and demonstrate a deep understanding of their research subject matter.

I am confident that [Student Name] has the intellectual capacity, research skills, and personal qualities necessary to excel in your program. They are a highly promising young researcher with the potential to make significant contributions to their field. I highly recommend [Student Name] for admission to [University Name] and believe that they would be a valuable addition to your academic community.


[Your Name]

范文 6


本人特向贵校推荐 [学生姓名] 同学申请 [专业名称] 专业。我曾在 [学生姓名] 同学的 [课程名称] 课程中担任其教师,对其学习能力、研究潜力及综合素质印象深刻。

[学生姓名] 同学在 [课程名称] 课程中的表现十分突出。其专业基础扎实,思维敏捷,能够快速掌握复杂概念。 [学生姓名] 同学课堂参与度高,积极与老师和同学互动,思维活跃,经常提出有见地的见解,为课堂增添了活跃的学术气氛。

除学术能力外,[学生姓名] 同学还具备很强的科研潜力。其自主开展了 [项目名称] 项目,并取得了 [项目成果]。 [学生姓名] 同学的科研能力得到了老师和同学的广泛认可。

在品德方面,[学生姓名] 同学诚实守信,待人友善,具有良好的团队合作精神。其积极参加学校组织的各项活动,表现出色。

综合以上表现,我坚信 [学生姓名] 同学具备在贵校深造的能力和素质。其对 [专业名称] 专业的浓厚兴趣、突出的专业能力及良好的综合素质将使 [学生姓名] 同学在贵校取得优异的成绩。

因此,我强烈推荐 [学生姓名] 同学申请贵校的 [专业名称] 专业。我相信,[学生姓名] 同学一定能够在贵校获得进一步发展,为贵校争光。
























字体:12 磅 Times New Roman 或 Arial。







我很荣幸推荐 [申请人姓名] 申请贵校的 [项目/学校]。我担任 [申请人姓名] 的教授 [年数] 年,期间我对他的学术能力和个人品质印象深刻。


作为一名学生,[申请人姓名] 一贯取得优异的成绩,他的 GPA 为 [GPA]。他表现出对 [专业领域] 的深刻理解,并出色地掌握了研究方法、数据分析和批判性思维技能。他积极参与课堂讨论,提出深思熟虑的问题并清晰地表达自己的观点。


除了他的学术能力外,[申请人姓名] 还是一个非常积极主动的人。他担任班级代表,组织了多项学术活动,并担任 [社团/俱乐部] 的主席。他的责任感很强,能够有效地管理自己的时间并按时完成任务。


我强烈推荐 [申请人姓名] 进入贵校的 [项目/学校]。我相信他具备所需的知识、技能和动力,在你们的研究型环境中取得成功。他是一个勤奋、聪明且有进取心的个人,我毫不怀疑他将为贵校做出宝贵的贡献。








in a letter of recommendation, and you won’t have to think too hard about it because you can simply copy the same information that you included in your CV and personal profile.

[Name of teacher/professor]


[Name of institution]


[City, Postal Code]


[Recipient’s Name]


[Name of institution]


[City, Postal Code]

Dear [Recipient’s name],

I am writing to enthusiastically recommend [student’s name] for admission to the [programme name] at your prestigious institution. I had the pleasure of teaching [student’s name] in my [module name] class at [institution name] for the past three years, and I was consistently impressed by their academic abilities, intellectual curiosity, and dedication to their studies.

Throughout their time in my class, [student’s name] consistently achieved outstanding grades, demonstrating a deep understanding of the complex concepts covered in our course. Their analytical skills, critical thinking abilities, and research capabilities were exceptional, and they often engaged in thoughtful discussions with their peers and myself, contributing valuable insights to our class discussions.

Beyond their academic achievements, [student’s name] is a wellrounded individual with a strong work ethic and a genuine passion for learning. They are an active member of the university community, participating in various clubs and societies, including the [club/society name], where they served as a leader and organized numerous events that fostered intellectual growth and teamwork among students.

[Student’s name] possesses exceptional communication skills, both written and verbal. They can articulate their thoughts clearly and persuasively, as evidenced by their consistently high marks in written assignments and presentations. They are also highly motivated and ambitious, with a clear vision for their future career path.

I am confident that [student’s name] has the necessary skills, knowledge, and determination to succeed in your rigorous academic environment. Their passion for learning, combined with their strong work ethic and commitment to excellence, make them an ideal candidate for your programme.

I highly recommend [student’s name] for admission to your institution and believe that they would be a valuable addition to your learning community. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.


[Your name]



