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f1留学签证材料,f1签证other students

本文章由注册用户 李穆川 上传提供

发布:2024-04-13 3 评论 纠错/删除


F1 学生签证申请材料

1. 护照

有效期至少比预期的逗留时间长 6 个月

2. 照片

两张 2x2 英寸的近期护照大小照片

3. SEVIS 费用收据

表明已支付 SEVIS I901 费用

4. I20 表格


5. 财务证明


6. 学术文件


7. 语言能力证明


8. 资金支持文件



9. 旅行计划


10. 其他支持性文件









2、f1签证other students

F1 Visa for Other Students

The F1 visa is a nonimmigrant visa that allows foreign students to pursue fulltime academic studies in the United States. "Other students" under the F1 visa category include:

Academic and Language Programs:

Academic Exchange Programs: Students participating in shortterm or longterm exchange programs with U.S. schools or universities.

Intensive English Language Programs (IELPs): Students enrolling in fulltime English language programs at accredited institutions.

Vocational and Technical Programs:

Vocational or Technical Training Programs: Students pursuing specialized training in fields such as healthcare, manufacturing, or construction.

ShortTerm Programs:

ShortTerm Language and Cultural Exchange Programs: Programs that provide participants with opportunities to immerse themselves in the American culture and language for up to 12 weeks.

Summer or Winter Programs: Students taking shortterm courses or engaging in research activities during summer or winter breaks.

Other Considerations:

All other students under the F1 visa category must maintain a full course of study and make satisfactory academic progress.

They are eligible for Optional Practical Training (OPT) after completing their studies, which allows them to gain practical experience in their field of study.

They must adhere to the terms and conditions of their visa, including maintaining valid status and following all immigration regulations.

Eligibility Requirements:

To qualify for an F1 visa as an other student, applicants must:

Be admitted to an eligible academic or training program at an accredited U.S. institution.

Have sufficient financial support to cover their expenses during their stay in the U.S.

Intend to return to their home country after completing their studies.

Meet the English language proficiency requirement (unless exempt).

3、f1签证study plan

Study Plan for F1 Visa Application

Applicant Name:

Program of Study:

Intended University/Institution:

Purpose of Study:

To pursue a higher education in the United States in the field of [insert field of study]. This program will provide me with the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to [state your career goals or aspirations].

Academic Background:

Degree: [Insert degree(s) obtained]

Institution: [Insert institution(s) attended]

GPA: [Insert GPA]

Areas of Interest: [List relevant academic interests or research experience]

Program of Study Alignment:

The program I am applying to is directly aligned with my career goals.

The curriculum encompasses coursework in [list relevant subjects] and provides opportunities for [list relevant experiences or research].

The faculty members are experts in my field of interest, and their research interests align well with my own.

Financial Resources:

I have secured funding for the duration of my studies from [list sources of funding].

These funds cover tuition, living expenses, and unforeseen costs.

I am also aware of the potential for additional expenses and have planned accordingly.

Study Timeline:

I plan to complete the program in [insert program duration].

I am confident in my ability to manage my academic workload and maintain a strong GPA.

I am committed to attending all classes, participating actively, and seeking support from faculty and classmates when needed.

Career Goals:

After completing this program, I aspire to pursue a career in [insert field]. My skills and knowledge gained through this education will enable me to make a meaningful contribution to the industry and society.

Cultural Immersion:

I am excited about the opportunity to immerse myself in American culture. I believe that interacting with diverse individuals and experiencing different perspectives will broaden my worldview and enhance my personal growth.

Return to Home Country:

Upon completion of my studies, I plan to return to my home country and apply my knowledge and experience to contribute to its development. I believe that the education I receive in the United States will prepare me to be a valuable asset to my community.


I am confident that I have the qualifications, motivation, and financial resources to succeed in this program. I am excited about the opportunity to learn and grow in a worldrenowned institution. I am committed to making the most of my time in the United States and to representing my country with integrity and distinction.





