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本文章由注册用户 王以沫 上传提供

发布:2024-03-17 2 评论 纠错/删除



本科毕业: 拥有中国大陆认可的本科文凭。


英语: 雅思6.0或以上,或托福80分或以上

仅部分专业需要中文成绩: HSK5级或以上

学术成绩: 平均成绩点 (GPA) 一般要求在3.0或以上



专业背景: 申请的专业与本科专业相关或互补。

推荐信: 一般需要23封来自本科老师或雇主的推荐信。

个人陈述: 介绍个人背景、学术兴趣和职业目标。

其他材料: 如作品集、研究经验或实习证明。

面试: 部分大学会安排面试作为录取过程的一部分。


学费: 香港留学费用较高,学费和生活费总计每年约需港币2030万元。

住宿: 香港住宿费用昂贵,建议提前预订学生宿舍或校外公寓。

签证: 申请赴港留学签证通常需要提交录取通知书、资金证明和语言成绩等材料。

适应性: 香港的生活方式与内地有较大差异,需要一定的适应时间。

就业前景: 香港留学归国后就业前景良好,但需注意专业匹配和竞争力。


Sure, here is a list of 10 ideas for things you can do with an empty house:

10 Creative Things to Do with an Empty House

1. Host a photo shoot. Take advantage of the empty space to get some great photos, whether it's for a family portrait, a fashion shoot, or just some fun candids.

2. Have a dance party. Crank up the music and let loose in the empty space. No one is around to judge your moves!

3. Play hideandseek. This classic game is even more fun in a big, empty house.

4. Build a fort. Use blankets, pillows, and chairs to create your own cozy fort. Perfect for reading, playing games, or just hanging out.

5. Have a picnic. Spread out a blanket on the floor and enjoy a picnic lunch or dinner.

6. Do a home workout. With all that extra space, you can do any kind of workout you want without feeling cramped.

7. Practice your yoga or meditation. The peace and quiet of an empty house is the perfect place to relax and focus on your practice.

8. Host a movie marathon. Set up a projector and screen and watch your favorite movies all day long.

9. Have a slumber party. Invite your friends over for a sleepover and enjoy all the fun activities that come with it, like telling stories, playing games, and watching movies.

10. Just relax. Sometimes the best thing to do with an empty house is to just relax and enjoy the peace and quiet. Read a book, take a nap, or just sit and enjoy the silence.



